Incorporated September, 1980. Founders: Haji Ralph D. Khan & Hajjin Jennifer Khan
"General insurance helps us protect ourselves and the things we value, such as our homes, our cars and our valuables, from the financial impact of risks, big and small – from fire, flood, storm and earthquake, to theft, car accidents, travel mishaps – and even from the costs of legal action against us. We can choose the types of risks we wish to cover by choosing the right kind of policy with the features we need". Ralico Insurance Services Limited has been working independently with The Maritime Financial Group since 1980, to sell the following General Insurance products:
Life insurance plays an important role in ensuring that your loved
ones are protected when you are no longer around to provide for them.
Select an amount suitable to your financial budget
Make an initial payment/premium• Do the necessary medicals
Your premium never increases
You can Surrender the policy for cash Automatic premium loan
The cash surrender value may be used as a single premium to purchase reduced coverage on a permanent policy
The same may be done to purchase a term policy equal to the original amount but for a shorter period
If you chose this benefit option, the company will undertake to pay the premium on your behalf until you recover
If you chose this benefit option, you will receive a lump sum (or part thereof) to take care of any of these illnesses:
Heart Attack
Coronary Heart Disease
Terminal Illness
Major Burns
Renal Failure
Paralysiso Heart Valve Replacement
Multiple Sclerosis
Provides peace of mind that your family will be protected if you unexpectedly die
Provides funds for both spouses in retirement years
Provides sources of cash for emergencies and opportunities
Sinking funds for your home• Acts as collateral for your debts and loans
Helps preserve your estate for your heirs
Guarantees income for loved ones
Provides funds that can be used to cover funeral bills, medical bills, etc.
Provides funds that can be used to wipe off debts and loans such as a mortgage
Provides funds that can be used to cover probate, legal and executor fees
Term Insurance is temporary life insurance designed to provide coverage for a limited period of time, typically for 10, 20 or 30 years. It is a life insurance product that is typically considered the most cost effective form of life insurance. However, there is no build up of a cash value, like with a permanent life policy, and the benefit is payable only when the insured dies and the policy is in force.
The policy owner has the right to convert the term policy to a permanent life plan of insurance. This is not an automatic conversion. The conversion period is spelt out in the policy. Even if your health has deteriorated to the point that you may be uninsurable you can still obtain lifetime coverage, since evidence of insurability is not required at the time of conversion.
Most individuals purchase term insurance because of its affordability, as a requirement by lending institutions such as banks, and to complement other insurances such as permanent life.
T-Life is a term insurance plan that provides coverage for death during the term of the policy.
This Plan includes the following:
Premiums are payable over the full term of the policy
Significantly lower premiums than a permanent life insurance plan• Accumulates no cash value
The benefit of converting to a permanent life plan at any time during the convertible period without providing evidence of insurability (medicals)
The policy terminates at the end of the payment period• This policy is available as stand alone plan or could be added as a rider to other plans
What is Whole Life Insurance?
Whole life or Ordinary Life insurance is permanent life insurance. As with all life insurance plans, the death benefit from this policy is transferred to the named beneficiaries upon the insured’s passing. However, Whole/Ordinary Life policies come with extra benefits. These policies accumulate a cash value that can be accessed during your lifetime.
This policy remains in force until the insured’s death once monthly premiums are up to date and once any indebtedness on the policy does not exceed the cash value. While the policy is in force, the policyholder may surrender and receive any accumulated cash value of the policy (less any indebtedness present at the time).
Why do you need permanent or whole life insurance?
You want to protect the lifestyle your income provides for your family. If two incomes are involved, consider protecting both of them
You want to help ensure a child or grandchild can attend college whether you live or die
You need to accumulate money to supplement retirement income
You want to provide for a dependent with special needs
You want to replace the contributions of a non-working spouse
You want to provide an inheritance for the people or organization you care about
Which plan is right for you?
Accumulated Cash Values
Fixed premiums throughout the lifetime of the policy
Fixed sum assured throughout the duration of the policy
Higher Accumulated Cash Values
Fixed premiums throughout the lifetime of the policy
Sum assured increases at the 11th and 21st policy year anniversaries
Add any of the following Riders to your policy for extra coverage...
Accidental Death
Accidental Indemnity Rider
Dread Disease Accelerated Rider
Level Term
Mortgage Protection Plan
Waiver of Premium on Death or Disability of Applicant
Waiver of Premium
C-Life: Critical Illness
What is TRIflex Insurance?
TRIflex Insurance is an investment linked plan that combines accumulated investment returns with life insurance coverage up to age sixty-five (65).
The main features of the plan include the following:
A choice of 3 Funds in which you can invest your premiums:o Bond Fund(least-risk)o Mortgage Fund (moderate risk)o Property and Equity Fund (higher risk)• Policy Values (sum of the individual Fund Policy Values) vary with the performance of the funds in which premiums are invested• Each Fund is credited with compound interest monthly
Loans can be made against the Cash Value in the Mortgage and Bond Funds• No loans can be made against the Property and Equity Fund
Policy can be used as collateral security for loans, mortgages, children’s education and other needs
The policy matures at the policy anniversary nearest your 65th birthday
The Maturity Benefit shall be the Policy Value at the maturity date
The Death Benefit shall be the sum of all future basic premiums payable up to age 65, together with the Policy Value at the date of death
The Triflex insurance plan is not a mutual fund, collective investment scheme, or fixed deposit, but rather provides critical life insurance coverage, especially while the investment funds are accumulating interest.
An annuity is a financial product that allows you to pay premiums and then receive regular or lump sum payments in the future, upon maturity of the plan or at retirement. A registered annuity means that the plan is approved by The Board of Inland Revenue. Contributions to this type of annuity are exempt from income tax up to specific maximum amounts per year.
Two Annuity Plans offered:
Get triple the benefits with TRIflex Annuity
An annuity is a financial product that allows you to pay premiums and then receive regular or lump sum payments in the future, upon maturity of the plan or at retirement. A registered annuity means that the plan is approved by The Board of Inland Revenue. Contributions to this type of annuity are exempt from income tax up to specific maximum amounts per year.
There are no fees or administrative charges on premiums paid. 100% of your premiums will be working for you from your first deposit!
Take control of your investments and customize your plan to suit your needs. You have a choice of 3 investments funds among which you may allocate your premiums: a Government Bond Fund, a Corporate Bond and Mortgage Fund, and a Property and Equity Fund.
At maturity, you may request your funds to be transferred to any other Company that is registered to sell annuities for the purchase of your annuity benefits.
How does TRIflex Annuity Platinum work?
“The TRIflex Annuity Platinum Plan is a registered, company-owned retirement savings plan for key employees, executives, and incorporated business owners. The premium payments are flexible and can be customized throughout the term of the policy.
The main features of the plan include the following:
No fees or administrative charges on premiums paid
Tax deductible contributions of up to 33 1/3% of chargeable income or 20% of gross emolument income, whichever is greater, may be made by the company on behalf of the employee. The maximum deductible is inclusive of the employee’s contributions to other registered retirement funds or schemes and 70% of their NIS contributions (subject to income tax legislation)
A choice of 3 Funds in which you can invest your premiums: Government Bond Fund (low-risk), Corporate Bonds and Mortgages Fund (moderate risk) and a Property and Equity Fund (higher risk)
Each Fund is credited with compound interest monthly
Policy Values (sum of the individual Fund Policy Values) vary with the performance of the funds in which premiums are invested
Retirement Benefits available from ages 50-70
A minimum policy duration of 10 years is required to access retirement benefits
Portability at maturity, i.e. at maturity, funds can be transferred to any other company that is registered to sell annuities
At maturity, you may take a full monthly annuity OR a lump sum of 25% of fund value (tax free) and a reduced monthly annuity
In the event of death prior to maturity, the greater of the Premiums Paid and the Fund Value will be paid to the beneficiary
In the event of death after maturity, any remaining annuity payments within the guaranteed period of the contract would be paid to the beneficiary of the annuitant
Why choose TRIflex Annuity Gold?
Set aside money that can be used to provide a lifetime stream of income after you retire.
In the event that you die before you begin receiving your income stream, a return of contributions made or the fund value (whichever is greater) will be payable to your family/estate. Additionally, a Waiver of Premium option is available. This is an additional benefit that pays your contributions if you become disabled and unable to pay your contributions.
Enjoy triple compound interest accumulation:• Interest on your contributions• Interest on the interest• Interest on the tax deferral amounts
The option of a 25% lump-sum amount at retirement can be used for multiple purposes, for example, to liquidate loans, pay for your child’s education, health care, start a business, interest income or family vacation.
How does TRIflex Annuity Gold work?
The TRIflex Annuity Gold premium payments are flexible and can be customized throughout the term of the policy based on what stage of life you are in and your investment preference. The main features of the plan include the following:
No fees or administrative charges on premiums paid• Tax deductible contributions, up to $50,000 annually (subject to income tax legislation)
A choice of 3 Funds in which you can invest your premiums [Government Bond Fund (low-risk), Corporate Bonds and Mortgages Fund (moderate risk) and a Property and Equity Fund (higher risk)
Each Fund is credited with compound interest monthly
Policy Values (sum of the individual Fund Policy Values) vary with the performance of the funds in which premiums are invested
Retirement Benefits available from ages 50-70
A minimum policy duration of 10 years is required to access retirement benefits
Portability at maturity, i.e. at maturity, funds can be transferred to any other company that is registered to sell annuities
At maturity, you may take a full monthly annuity OR a lump sum of 25% of fund value (tax free) and a reduced monthly annuity
In the event of death prior to maturity, the greater of the Premiums Paid and the Fund Value will be paid to the beneficiary
In the event of death after maturity, any remaining annuity payments within the guaranteed period of the contract would be paid to the beneficiary of the annuitant
What is ADmed?
Our ADmed product was designed to finance unexpected major medical bills at an affordable price by providing a comprehensive package of benefits. The ADmed Card guarantees instant admittance to accredited private hospitals. ADmed Accredited Hospitals are able to check the system and verify the ADmed Cardholder’s available benefits.
The ADmed package includes the following benefits:
This benefit will be paid whenever the insured undergoes a surgical operation that is medically necessary and appropriate, invasive and requires a surgical incision. A specific amount will be paid, depending on the type of surgery required.
This benefit will be payable if the insured incurs expenses for room and board, diagnostic lab tests/X-rays, machine testing or hospital ancillary services at a hospital in respect of diagnostic services as a result of accident, emergency or sickness on a Doctor’s recommendation.
This benefit is payable if you incur expenses at a hospital in respect of medical services required as a result of an accident or emergency. This benefit covers the first 48 hours of expenses, up to the benefit maximum.
This critical illness benefit is payable on diagnosis of a Heart Attack, Stroke, Cancer, Renal Failure, Paralysis, Multiple Sclerosis, Terminal Illness, Major Burns, Coma and Total and Permanent Disability. The benefit is only payable once.
This benefit is payable on the death of the Life Insured.
How ADMED Works
Visit one of the ADmed Accredited Hospital and show your ADmed Card along with a valid picture ID at the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Department.
The hospital clerk will verify the Client’s available coverage via the online system.
Once the doctor indicates the Client’s visit meets the contract definition of accident and/or emergency, the ADmed Attending Physician’s Statement will be completed by the doctor and the ADmed Claimant’s Statement to be completed by the Client.
Note if after the doctor’s examination the symptoms do not meet the contract definition of accident and/or emergency, the Client will be responsible for their bill as this would not be a valid ADmed claim.
The hospital will submit to Maritime Life (ADmed Department) the completed claim forms along with their invoices.
Invoices will be settled by the ADmed department and settlement cheque made out to the relevant hospital(s).
If the Client pays their bill in full, the Client will be responsible for getting the ADmed claim forms completed and submitting the original bills where necessary to Maritime Life (ADmed Department) for reimbursement. Once the claim is valid the settlement cheque will be made out to the Client.
If the Client has to have a scheduled, surgical procedure, the Client will have to submit a letter completed and signed by the doctor giving the details of the ailment, surgical procedure to be done, the name of the hospital at which the procedure is to be done and a breakdown of the expenses. This letter can be emailed or faxed to the ADmed Department at 675-7485. This information will be reviewed and a letter emailed or faxed to the hospital stating the amount ADmed will cover.
For the hospital diagnostic benefit, the Client will have to submit a letter completed and signed by the doctor giving the details of the ailment, the test to be done, the name of the hospital at which the test is to be done and a breakdown of the expenses. This letter can be emailed or faxed to the ADmed Department at 675-7485. This information will be reviewed and a letter emailed or faxed to the hospital stating the amount ADmed will cover.
All claims must be submitted within 90 days from the date of service.
What is C-Life?
C-Life is a term life insurance plan with the added benefit of critical illness coverage.
C-Life’s features:
Life Insurance coverage to age 70
No cash accumulation
100% Acceleration of Death Benefit Coverage to age 70 on diagnosis of a Critical Illness
Available from age 20 to 65
The United Health Care Global Card Benefits
Can be sold stand-alone, or as a rider (can be added as a rider to all new or in-force permanent plans)
Term riders can be added to this plan
Supplementary Features
Waiver of Premium
Retrenchment Rider
What Critical Illnesses are covered?
Heart Attack
Coronary Artery Disease Requiring Surgery
Renal Failure
Paralysis/ Paraplegia
Major Organ Transplant
Multiple Sclerosis Heart Valve Replacement
Terminal Illness
Major Burns
Why do I need C-Life?
To relieve your loved ones from the physical and financial burden of any hospice or nursing care you may require during a critical illness• To protect your income to age 70• To provide a lump-sum of up to two million dollars to fund a critical illness
To liquidate some or all of your loans and indebtedness on death or on diagnosis of a critical illness• To facilitate your easy access to emergency medical treatment while travelling abroad as well as other related benefits
Group insurance provides coverage for a collection of persons, usually employees with a common employer or professionals of a common group. One of the main benefits of group coverage is the reduced cost of contributions for each individual covered.
What is Group Health?
Group Health Medical Insurance assists employees with medical expenses and provides benefits for treatment in the event of illness and injuries for themselves or their dependents.
What benefits are included?
The benefits include medical, dental, vision, preventative care and wellness benefit.
When can I take out a policy?
Issue ages are 18-65
Are there different groups?
Yes, in providing group health insurance Maritime distinguishes between small and large groups. A small group is defined as one comprising 3 to 25 members. The products offered are Medipac 3, Dolphin and Blue Marlin. The large groups are greater than 25 and the plan is customized to suit the specific needs of the Client.
Group Life provides 1-year renewable term life coverage for members.
Benefits of this type of insurance are for the insured’s estate or stated beneficiary after death
The level of coverage can either be a fixed amount or linked to the group members’ salaries
The issue ages are 18 to 65
Minimum Group size is 10

MOTOR insurance protects you from personal liability should you be in an accident. Aside from the legal requirements, this is the main reason you want car insurance. If you are in an accident and you are at fault you can be held personally responsible for the costs of medical bills if a person is injured and major monetary awards if a person is killed.
In addition, depending on the type of car insurance that you have, your vehicle can be repaired or replaced, thus saving you the out of pocket expense of replacing it yourself.
Another reason for having car insurance has to do with repair of the other vehicle if you hit someone’s vehicle. As you know, vehicle repairs can be very expensive. If you are shown to be at fault in an accident you may be required to pay for the repairs or the replacement of the vehicle that you hit. Again, this is money that has to come out of your pocket.
Additionally, you are also responsible for any real property damage that you might cause. For example, if you run into a house and cause a wall to collapse, you would be required to make payment for those repairs.

Comprehensive policies provide the widest coverage. The policy would protect the owner from financial loss for damage to their vehicle caused by accidents, fires, theft etc.
It will also respond to pay to third parties for injury or damage to property caused by you in an accident.
Cover against losses caused by natural perils such as Flood, Hurricanes or Earthquakes, as well as, cover for breakage of windscreens can be purchased at an additional cost.
Third Party - Fire and Theft
Third Party Fire and theft would protect the owner from financial loss for damage to the vehicle caused by Fire or Theft only. The policy will also respond to pay to third parties for injury or damage to property caused by you in an accident.
Third Party Only
The policy will only respond to pay to third parties for injury or damage to property caused by you in an accident.
Additional Benefits
The insured under a private motor vehicle policy may also obtain the following benefits for additional premiums:
• Flood, hurricane, earthquake, volcanic eruption, riot and strike
• Windscreen breakage
Comprehensive policies offer the best coverage but are usually the most expensive to purchase. Owners of vehicles that are subject to a mortgage are usually required by the financial institution to obtain a Comprehensive Motor insurance policy to protect the mortgagor’s interest in the vehicle.
While this is the most desirable cover, insurers generally have restrictions on granting Comprehensive coverage based on the type of vehicle, age and condition. You should therefore contact your insurer to ascertain whether your vehicle can be covered under a comprehensive Motor policy.
Your Third Party insurance policy does not provide financial compensation to repair your vehicle following an accident or any other loss.
It is the minimum mandatory insurance cover required by law in Trinidad & Tobago for a vehicle being driven in a public area. The cost for this cover is therefore lower than Comprehensive or Fire & Theft policies.
Comprehensive coverage is always recommended because of its benefits.
Protection is offered to Homeowners against loss or damage to their building and contents caused by fire, earthquake, hurricane, burglary and a wide range of other perils.
Coverage can also be provided in respect of loss or damage to the insured’s household goods and personal effects caused by an insured peril. Hence we use the term "insuring CONTENTS".
A household policy covers a comprehensive or wide range of perils. These are the perils that are normally insured:
1. Fire, lightning, explosion
2. Hurricane, earthquake, volcanic eruption
3. Aircraft or other Aerial Devices
4. Theft (usually includes larceny or theft that does not involve entry or exit
by forcible or violent means)
5. Riot and Strike
6. Bursting and overflowing of water tanks, apparatus or pipes
7. Impact by Vehicles
8. Malicious Damage
9. Breakage of Fixed Glass and Sanitary Fixtures
10. Damage by falling trees or parts thereof.
Some Policies also include:
1. Collapse due to subsidence or landslip
2. Smoke damage provided it is sudden, unusual and accidental
3. Flood
The rates are different since the property is used for business purposes and the risks are higher on both the building and contents.
Items Covered
The commercial fire policy is related to business concerns and covers commercial property such as:
• Buildings
• Stock in trade
• Furniture, fixtures and fittings
• Plant and machinery
Where an insured chooses a 'fire only' policy, such a policy covers the property against the perils of
• Fire
• Lightning and
• Explosion of gas used for illuminating or domestic purposes
The insured is indemnified against all sums for which he shall become legally liable to pay as owner or occupier of the premises for an accident occurring in or about the premises and causing death or bodily injury to a third party or damage to third party property. Liability in respect of business risks is excluded.
The insured is indemnified in respect of his legal liability for personal injury by accident to any of his domestic servants in the course of their employment. Such legal liability may arise under the Workmen’s Compensation Act Ch.88:05 or at common law. Domestic servants whose employment is of a casual nature are excluded from the cover.

As General Agent for The Maritime Financial Group, we at Ralico Insurance Services Limited are additionally qualified to sell, 'on an accommodation basis,' the following perils: Personal Accident, Pecuniary Loss, Marine, Aviation and Transport.
Personal Accident provides Worldwide Coverage against Accidental Death and Permanent Total Disability resulting from an accident, including loss of limbs, sights, hearing, etc.
Personal Accident provides coverage for most types of accidents. A lump sum benefit is paid if you die, lose the use of a limb or part, loss of sight or hearing as a result of the accident.
The plan benefit can also include medical expenses incurred to treat the injuries as well as an in-hospital expense and loss of income if you are unable to return to work.
'Pecuniary' means relating to money and pecuniary insurance covers businesses against purely financial losses (e.g. from fraud, legal expenses or business interruption) rather than physical damage to property.
A marine cargo policy would cover perils or contingencies such as:
1. Fire or explosion
2. The vessel being stranded, grounded, sunk or capsized
3. Collision or contact of vessel, craft or conveyance with any external object
4. Overturning or derailment of land conveyance
5. Hurricane, earthquake, volcanic eruption, washing overboard
6. Entry of sea, lake or river water into vessel, conveyance or place of storage
7. Piracy
War risks and riot, strike and civil commotions coverage may be added for an extra premium.
The sum insured is based on the value of the cargo including costs, charges and profit (usually 10% allowed). For occasional shipments a single risk policy may be issued whereby the cargo is covered for a specific voyage with the points of departure and destination specified, as well as the approximate date of departure and arrival. The sum insured is specified and a description of the cargo given on the policy.
Where regular shipments are made an open cover agreement may be advisable. This relates to an agreement by the insurer to give cargo insurance on proposed shipments by a particular insured. For each shipment, a certificate is issued and the premium paid. The agreement is generally applicable for 12 months and would detail such matters as types of cargo, types of vessels, limits per shipment, premium rates and conditions of insurance.
Cargo policies provide cover from warehouse to warehouse but if the cargo is discharged at the final port of discharge and remains there the cover will normally cease after 60 days from such discharge.
Insurance on similar lines is available where cargo is transported by air rather than sea. Generally premiums are lower for air cargo insurance than sea cargo insurance.